Property acquisitions during lockdown

Matthew Power • Jan 14, 2021

With another lockdown upon us and Covid-19 vaccinations being rolled out there is indeed a light at the end of the tunnel. Until then the Government advice is to "stay at home".

However the property market remains open for business and you are (for now) allowed to sell your property, viewings can take place and you can move home, although the Government guidance is that "people outside of your household or support bubble should not help with moving house unless absolutely necessary". So great news if you are in the process of selling & buying especially if you are hoping to move before the 31st March 2021 and take advantage of the Stamp Duty Holiday. For Spring Developments this means business as usual and we can and will continue to focus on property acquisitions.

For those of you keen to start the sale process during the latest lockdown and begin the process of marketing your property there are some tough decisions to make. Firstly is doesn't look like the Stamp Duty Holiday is going to be extended and given the slow pace of transactions over the past 6 months it is very unlikely that any buyer requiring a mortgage could realistically get a survey booked let alone complete a sale by the end of March. Additionally the Government say that 1 in 3 people who have the virus have no symptoms and therefore could spread the virus without knowing. Do you want these people in your property? Wouldn't you be better of waiting until things get back to normal? However the big question is, when will we get back to normal and more importantly what will the new normal look like? Covid-19 is having such a huge impact on everyone. Unemployment is at its highest level in years and expected to get worse, businesses in every sector are affected especially within hospitality. Schools closed, non essential shops & businesses closed again, office buildings sitting empty while employees work from home at the same time juggling home schooling. The list is endless and experts predict that the worse is yet to come with talk of a double dip recession, negative interest rates.

Could waiting to sell your property mean a better sale price or a lower sale price? Recessions are certainly not good for the property market. In the 2008 recession house prices fell by over 16% GDP shrank that year by 6.9% and unemployment was high. In 2020 GDP shrank by over 20% in the second quarter and it is expected that the annual fall will be around 9.5% so who knows what impact this could have on house prices in 2021!

Despite this uncertainty Spring Developments continue to acquire properties within London and the South East. If you are considering selling a property in 2021 and would like to discuss a sale in confidence please get in touch and lets start a conversation. We are experience buyers and often don't need to view inside a property to make an informed decision. In the event that we do need to view we will follow government social distancing guidelines and will be wearing wearing gloves and face masks.

By Matthew Power 31 Jul, 2023
Spring Developments are pleased to announce the completion of another luxury conversion project in Twickenham. We have three apartments available with prices starting from £425,000. If you are interested in further information or to arrange a viewing please do not hesitate to get in touch.
23 Jan, 2023
Our 6 flats in Sutton are now complete and all let. On this and every project we develop we invest a huge portion of our time researching the best products so that we can provide a bespoke development with a finish that is of an outstanding quality and built to last. Going back to brick and starting again is the norm for us so with exception for the buildings shell everything is brand new from the ground up. Our search for new projects is ongoing and we have funds available for multiple projects. If you are thinking of selling please do not hesitate to get in touch.
By Matthew Power 06 Dec, 2022
Our latest project in Twickenham is now officially under construction! Over the next 6 months we will be restoring this beautiful period building which dates back to 1905 to its former glory whilst converting it to 3 spacious luxury apartments. Having already restored and converted the building next door we are excited to be working on this project with the same contractors KWP Build By Design. The property is situated within a few hundred yards of Twickenham Station and early interest is anticipated so if this is an area you are considering purchasing in then please do not hesitate to get in touch to receive additional information about this property. Our approach to property acquisition is to seek out properties and buildings that have reach a point where they are no longer habitable and are in a derelict or totally unmodernised condition. We are cash buyers so in most cases can proceed with the purchase in a matter of only a few days. Following acquisition we will often seek some form of planning gain to enable us to repurpose the property to suit a wider range of occupiers but in all cases we approach the refurbishment with a view that we are looking to increase the life span of the building for many generations to come. Often this involves stripping the building back to the original brick work and starting from scratch introducing new floors, internal walls and modern fittings, renewing all timbers windows and drainage, whilst rectifying any structural issues along the way. This property was in a terrible condition and restoration will be a long process but buyers can be assured that apart from the brick shell and the beautiful stair case everything will be brand new and finished to our usual exceptionally high standard!
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